DGHE Serving on the board of local business association Aldgate Connect
Posted on 06/10/22
On September 28th, David Game Higher Education (DGHE) attended the Annual General Assembly (AGM) of Aldgate Connect, which is an association that brings together local organisations in a bid to develop the area.
Anne Whitehead – DGHE’s Head of Marketing and Communications – was re-elected to serve on the Aldgate Connect board, where she contributes to advising on how funds collected from the community can best serve those living and working nearby our campus. Konstantina Diamantidi – DGHE Marketing, Communications and Events Coordinator – will serve as Anne’s second in collaboration with the BID.
Together, the DGHE team plans to identify more opportunities for DGHE students and staff to engage and benefit from activities being organised in the local area. This may include volunteer or apprentice placements that offer students work experience, being featured at local fairs and other events, and much more!
Currently, DGHE is working with Aldgate Connect to help plan upcoming activities for the 2022 Winter Festival, so stay tuned for more updates on how you can get involved in that!
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