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Black History Month : Saluting our Sisters in Business

Black History Month : Saluting our Sisters in Business

Posted on 16/10/23

This Black History Month is focusing on ‘Saluting our Sisters‘, so we’d like to highlight Black women in our past and also women who are making history now at DGHE.

Made History in Business


madam c.j. walker. first female millionaire

Throughout history, Black entrepreneurs and business leaders have defied odds and shattered glass ceilings. Madame C.J. Walker was the first female millionaire by turning her innovative hair product idea into a flourishing business where she trained and hired up to 40 employees. She taught women the ropes of business and budgeting and revolutionized the way that we style textured hair.

Black women have also played a pivotal role in helping other businesses thrive. One example of this is Dame Sharon White. She is the Chair of the John Lewis Partnership, one of the UK’s most renowned retail institutions. She has played a pivotal role in guiding the company through challenging times and is a notable figure in the retail and business world.



Making history now at DGHE


Meranda from dghe, head of admissionsOne of the most critical and long-standing figures at DGHE is Meranda Campbell, Our Head of Academic Administration. Meranda has been here at DGHE since its founding 10 years ago and was with Cavendish University under David Game College Group before that. She is known by all students and staff and she knows everybody and everything about the college and its history – since she was there for it. Her journey in academia began with a BA in Business Administration, leading to a 15-year career in higher education.  Today, she remains a key member of our institution, playing an indispensable role in shaping its history and success. Her unwavering commitment to maintaining academic standards has been instrumental in improving the quality of higher education at DGHE.

These women, along with countless others, show Black people’s impact isn’t limited to famous names. It extends to the dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to improve and shape the history of our society. This extends beyond just business; discover how Black women are succeeding in healthcare.


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