Library Resources
Posted on 27/12/23
If you are working on assignments, do remember that there is still plenty of remote support available to you via the DGHE Library website.
The Library Catalogue
There is an online guide that you can read if you want a refresher on how to make the best of the Library catalogue for your research.
You can find this on the Library Services page, under Using the Library Catalogue. The Guide can be printed out for future reference.

You can use the catalogue to find eBooks owned by DGHE Library, which you can make full use of from home.
If you search the catalogue by keyword, then any relevant eBooks will appear on the results page. This search was for books about youth and crime.
You will see that some results are tagged ‘electronic resource’ and have a direct link to the book on the VLeBooks platform.

More about VLeBooks
Remember that you can also search the VLeBooks platform directly. Have a look at the Library Service page under eBooks at DGHE.
You will find a guide to read online or print out if you want a refresher on using this resource, and there is also a video guide if you prefer.
You can search the VLeBooks platform for a specific title or use keywords to find books on a particular subject. Have a look at the lists in the left-hand menu bar which have already been created for specific subjects.
Click on Help (top menu bar) for assistance with technical or practical issues that you might encounter when using VLeBooks.

Remember that the Read Online option is more straightforward than downloading all or part of an eBook.
Online and Remote Resources via the Catalogue
DGHE eBook collections and databases

Look under the Online Resources heading on the left-hand side of the Catalogue page.
Here you will find links to eBook collections for specific programmes as well as links to our databases.
Why not have a look at some of our links to Open Access resources as well?
Have a look at the menu on the left-hand side of the catalogue page.
The Bielefeld Academic Research Engine (BASE) is similar to Google Scholar, and CORE is supported by the Open University. You will find research papers, conference proceedings, reports and journal articles, and papers from university academic repositories.
DOAJ and DOAB are indexes to journals and books where all (or most) of the content is available on open access.

Remember DGHE has access to JSTOR (which has content for all programmes), Art Full Text (Art and Design), Global Data Explorer (Business), and Criminology and Law Collection (Public Services).
Want a refresher on how to get the best out these databases?
Go to the Library Service page on the Student Hub and look under Online Learning: Journals and databases.
There are printed guides available that you can read online or download.

There is also a detailed Official Guide to GlobalData Explorer in a slide-show format (provided by the company itself) which will be worth a look at if you want to see how the reports and company data and other resources accessible on this database can help your research.

Helpful tips – the coverage on most of the databases is very broad.
You may find the right information where you least expect it!
You will find content on public health and related matters in the Criminology and Law Collection, as well as content on art therapy and similar subjects.
If you are an Art and Design student, you will find a great deal of information on advertising and social media on GlobalData Explorer.

Our databases all have pages giving you tips and advice on how to make the best of your search.
Art and Design. EBSCO (Art Full Text)
When logged into the database, click HELP at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
An additional screen will then pop up. Click on the various links in the menu to see more information.
Try the Searching and Browsing menus for advice and tips on locating more articles and other content on the database.

Public Services. Taylor and Francis (Criminology and Law Collection)
When logged into the database, go to https://www.tandfonline.com/search/advanced for some simple tips on searching for phrases using inverted commas (“speech marks”) and Boolean operators (linking your search terms with AND, OR, NOT)
To get to this page just click on the Advanced Search link next to the large Search Box.
JSTOR (all programmes)
When logged into the database, go to https://support.jstor.org/hc/en-us/articles/115004701828-Searching-A-Practical-Overview for an overview of search techniques and a video to watch: Quick tips on searching JSTOR.
To get to this page, you can also click on the Advanced Search link on the JSTOR page, and then click on Search Help.
Buckinghamshire New University and University of Gloucestershire programmes
Students studying programmes at our partner institutions will also find plenty of help available on the BNU and Gloucestershire websites.
Remember to use an incognito window on your browser to prevent login difficulties.
You will be able to link directly to all the BNU resources available to you.
University of Gloucestershire
You can also make use of the Skills for Study resource collection on the University of Gloucestershire’s website. This is a self-paced, multimedia collection of self-guided modules to help you develop your academic study skills.
Also, explore the relevant Subject Guides., where you may find new resources, and tips and advice about research techniques.
Zoom support sessions in January
The Librarian, Mary Fisk, will be on site from 2nd January 2024.
Even if you are not in college until the start of the new term, you can still set up a remote support session via Zoom, from the comfort of your sofa, using the link to Picktime on the Student Hub Home Page (https://www.picktime.com/dghedropinsession) or under the Library Help and Drop-in Sessions tab on the Library Service page.
You can ask for research tips, and for advice on using databases and the library catalogue.
You can also email her at m.fisk@dghe.ac.uk with any questions.

Zoom support sessions are available all year round too! Why not make use of this service to chat to the librarian about library resources and your study needs!
~ Mary Fisk, December 2023
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