Paul Talan is Swimming the English Channel in 2022
Posted on 31/08/22
In September 2022, our Head of Centre Paul Talan will be facing the huge challenge of swimming the English Channel as part of a relay team.
“I will be supporting Aspire, a charity that provides practical help to people who have been paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury,” said Paul. “For this swim to be officially recognised, you are only permitted to use goggles, one cap, a nose clip and ear plugs. Oh, and a swimsuit.”
You can learn more about Aspire here.
“Even if you get the perfect day, the swim coast to coast is 21 miles ‘as the bird flies’ from Dover to Calais.”
“However, I’m not a bird,” Paul helpfully clarified. “Due to currents, winds and other factors, we will swim significantly more in water temperatures ranging from 14 to 18C, but can plummet to 6C in minutes. Those who have swum the Channel, all say pretty much the same thing: ‘on a good day the swim is hard and on a bad day it’s really hard.'”
“I would be so very grateful if you could donate anything you can. It really doesn’t matter how much as it will all go towards the great work Aspire do in enabling people from injury to independence.”
You can access Paul’s fundraising page through the following QR code or at this link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/paul-talan
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