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Study Plan: why and how to make one!

Study Plan: why and how to make one!

Posted on 06/07/22

Study Plan: Why and How to make one!
We know that it’s hard to balance life and studies, right? That’s why we are here! 

Having to come to our Campus only two days a week helps, but with the stress of the London life, you can still find that procrastinating and struggling to concentrate on your studies happens – a lot.  

Don’t worry: you’re not alone.

The first practice we recommend to all our students is: have a study plan. 

Having a study plan is essential for keeping yourself organised. It keeps you in check of your responsibilities and helps you get that feeling of control we all miss during a busy period of our lives. 

A study plan is more than just a to-do list. It is a schedule designed for you to manage your time effectively. Think of how much you might need for every task, and plan for setbacks and revisions. It’s better to have extra time than not enough.

Here are some extra tips to keep pushing yourself and achieve your goals:

Plan your day

When making a schedule, plan each step of your day. Schedule some breaks, time for each subject, enough time to eat and stay active – everything! This will free your mind from thinking “what’s next?” leaving space for the important stuff. 

Mix it up 

Sitting all day in the same room cannot do you good. Plan to switch it up! Come to our library, visit a park, study with your friends, etc. Don’t be afraid to try new tactics. Research proves that everyone has a different way of learning. Find out yours.

Your mental health matters

We never get tired of saying this: take care of yourself! 

Your brain needs a break every now and then to be able to process what you learn. So take breaks for exercise, drink plenty of water, take a long bath or just relax with some light reading. Keep yourself healthy, and you will find that learning gets easier. 

And lastly…

You can count on DGHE

If you need extra help with your studies, you can always book a drop-in session with one of your lectures. You can also book time with Fiona, our Wellbeing adviser, and Roger, our Careers master! Of course, you will also have study skills lessons during your course, so take advantage of those modules and become the student we know you can be. 

If you need help, reach out. We want to help you do your best.



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